pp108 : Web Gateway

Web Gateway

This topic describes the properties related to Web gateway and the steps to change the classpath.



Property Default Value Description
com.eibus.web.gateway.maxinstances (only IIS or Apache)   Creates more than one instance of the Web gateway.
com.eibus.web.gateway.queuesize 1000 Enables you to configure the waiting queue size for requests in the gateway. It takes an integer. Using this property, you can restrict the requests queue size to 1000, by default. The gateway processes 1000 requests at a time and the connection to requests beyond 1000 is blocked until they are added to the queue. If it is set to 0, then the queue size is unlimited. 
Note: This is applicable to the IIS Web server only.
com.eibus.web.gateway.timeout 30000 Specifies the time in milliseconds after which the gateway times out.
com.eibus.web.maxrequestsize 0 Provides information to the Upload gateway about the maximum request size (in kilobytes) that decides if the request must be parsed in a single chunk or multiple chunks. In case of parsing by multiple chunks, the Upload gateway writes the uploaded file content to the temporary directory mentioned in the property com.eibus.web.tools.upload.UploadWritePath. For example, com.eibus.web.maxrequestsize=128.
com.eibus.web.maxresponsesize 0 Denotes the maximum size of a response chunk in the Web Gateway. The gateway response is split into multiples of maxresponsesize.
com.eibus.web.tools.download.DownloadReadPath   Provides information to the Download gateway about the directory containing the download file placed by the service container. See Changing the location of the upload and download folders.
com.eibus.web.tools.upload.UploadWritePath   Provides information to the Upload gateway about the directory in which the temporary copy of the uploaded file is created. See Changing the location of the upload and download folders.
com.eibus.web.wsdl.gateway.hostname (deprecated)   Composes the WSDL gateway's end point URL. If you set this property, the WSDL's end point URL contains the host name as specified by this property value. If this property is not set, then the WSDL's end point URL contains the host name provided by the HTTP Request (if needed using headers like X-Forwarded-Host).
com.gateway.header.strip true Removes user information from SOAP requests or responses. The SOAP response headers contain details about their senders and recipients. This information can be used for sending malicious requests and in DoS attacks. Removing these details also increases the network bandwidth. By default all details are removed and only the message ID is retained in the header.
cordys.gateway.inject.baseurl true Setting this property to true enables the injection of the base URLinto the XForms. This is done by Process Platform XGateway. Setting it to false might result in additional round trips while opening an XForm, thereby lowering the performance.
cordys.gateway.protocol.validation   This property must be enabled to validate the SOAP protocol of a SOAP request.
cordys.gateway.request.validation   This property must be enabled to validate the SOAP request of a SOAP message.
cordys.gateway.response.validation   This property must be enabled to validate the SOAP response of a SOAP request.
web.root /opt/apache2/htdocs (linux), C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cordys\<cordys instance name> (windows), <cordys home>/webroot (tomcat) Location of the Web server document root.
web.server.portnumber 80 Port number assigned to the Web server (Apache, IIS, or Tomcat)
web.server.vendor Apache, IIS or not set for tomcat Vendor name of the Web server (Apache or IIS).


The procedure to add a third party jar to the Web Gateway classpath is different for every Web server as specified in the table below.

  • Ensure that the JAR is accessible to the user who is accessing the Web server.
  • You must restart the Web server after adding the JAR to the classpath.
Web server Action
Apache Add the third party JAR to the CLASSPATH in /etc/sysconfig/httpd.
IIS Add the third party JAR to the CLASSPATH of the Windows system environment variable.
TomEE Place the third party JAR in the $CORDYS_HOME/webroot/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Library Path

The procedure to add a native library to the Web Gateway is different for every Web server as specified in the table below.

  • Ensure that the native library is accessible to the user who is accessing the Web server.
  • You must restart the Web server after adding the library.
Web server Action
Apache Add the library to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in /etc/sysconfig/httpd.
IIS Add the library to the PATH of the Windows system environment variable.
TomEE Place the library in the $CORDYS_HOME/lib directory.